
Help your team alleviate stress with a customized mindfulness workshop, presentation, or guided meditation

The deeper reason behind nonprofit burnout

Our chaotic nonprofit work environments and the inequitable systems we’re trying to disrupt aren’t the only things that lead to burnout.

Our physical and emotional energy is also burning up because most of us were never taught how to manage the stress itself.

Buckle up for personal insights, inspiration, and actionable advice to transform your nonprofit team’s approach to work and well-being.

Whether you’re new to mindfulness or have been practicing it for years, experience simple tools to relax and navigate burnout without adding more exhausting things you “should” do.

Megan Whitney

Megan helps changemakers navigate burnout through 1/1 coaching, speaking, and live events on Insight Timer. Her work offers you mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion tools to release stress and cultivate calm.

She has dedicated her 17-year career to serving in nonprofits. Since burning out a decade ago, her mission has been preventing the same exhaustion for other nonprofit workers.

In Megan’s day job, she has spent the past seven years fighting hunger as a fundraiser, consultant, mindfulness community founder, and certified Search Inside Yourself organizational teacher of emotional intelligence skills. 

She has first-hand experience integrating mindfulness into nonprofits and feels passionate about the power of this skill to build equitable, just, and inclusive systems where everyone belongs.

You didn’t sign up for burnout when you signed onto nonprofit work, but I know it can feel that way.

Supporting our community and mission requires us to support our teams’ well-being first.

  • According to a study by the Stanford Social Innovation Review, approximately 50% of nonprofit employees experience high levels of burnout (and it’s likely higher).

  • The Center for Effective Philanthropy found that 68% of nonprofit leaders are somewhat or very concerned about burnout.  

  • Mindfulness and meditation are transformative tools for alleviating stress, supporting mental health, and creating an inclusive workplace.

Interested in Booking Megan?

Custom workshops, presentations, and meditations are available both virtually and in-person

For in-person sessions, I serve the Chicagoland area and offer some travel options

Drop me a note or schedule a 30-min chat to get started

You’ll receive a proposal and pricing for your personalized event

Team Workshop:

A Mindful Approach to Navigating Nonprofit Burnout

Working in nonprofits doesn’t need to come hand in hand with burnout. But increasingly, it does. How can we sustainably care for ourselves while caring for others?

By the end of this workshop, your team will

  • Understand what burnout is, how to recognize the signs, and the deeper reasons why we burn out in nonprofits

  • Begin to clarify where you might be on the burnout to thriving spectrum and what you can do about it

  • Learn what mindfulness means and why it’s a superpower

  • Experience a calming guided meditation and two micropractices that help you deal with overwhelm in the moment

  • Walk away with tangible techniques to alleviate stress and help prevent burnout

Client Love for Workshops

  • "Megan's mindfulness workshop allowed my team to take a minute to fully process what it means to be in a fast-moving, non-profit work environment. We came away from the workshop with tangible, easy tools to combat burnout. I received very positive feedback from the team; it was their favorite part of the retreat! I appreciated Megan’s pace, her calm, cool, collected demeanor, and the way she brought together the room."

    Katie Burke, Executive Director, Customized & Faculty-Led Programs at IES Abroad

  • "As a result of the workshop, I personally am conducting more deep breathing sessions when I receive that 'trigger' email and am giving people more grace and latitude. Megan was supportive, collaborative, empathetic, and knowledgeable throughout the process; you can tell she is skilled in delivering mindfulness content and is an expert in the field. Please consider Megan for your next team retreat; you won't regret it!"

    Katie Burke, Executive Director, Customized & Faculty-Led Programs at IES Abroad

  • "We had a great turnout for the workshop, and I'm confident that all our participants left with a greater sense of mindfulness and meditation. I know I did! I appreciated discovering that I wasn't the only one trying to be educated about this topic. It was helpful to see how others also struggle to be mindful or to meditate.  Once I understood how simple and quick we could begin to be more mindful it gave me an "ah-ha" moment because before I thought this was something that took days or longer to reach. Yet, even in the smallest moments in time we have opportunity."

    Angel Ortiz

  • "It was wonderful to have Megan educate us on this topic and to listen to other’s viewpoints in the group. Everything made sense and was very clear and constructive. I'm looking forward to arranging another workshop with her in the future.”

    Angel Ortiz

  • "My favorite part of Megan’s Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop was the guided meditation. The mindful stretching we did reminded me that listening to your body is more effective when you actually slow down and focus on it, even if you're not really sure how to do that."

    Britt-Marie, Coach at Orange Theory Fitness

  • “Loved this session and would strongly recommend Megan to my friends at other organizations. I experienced strong burnout from 2020-2021 (with a different org), and a lot of what Megan shared really resonated with me. The session definitely made me want to research mindfulness and meditation so that I can learn techniques to incorporate into my personal life!”

    Workshop Participant

  • “The workshop helped me identify that what I am feeling currently is burnout and I can take steps to counteract it. I think that after the pandemic it's easy to say what I'm feeling is not too bad or not burnout since it's not as bad as that moment in time. But recognizing that I can still have burnout now is important to help me improve how I'm feeling.”

    Participant describing impact of the workshop

Rest & Reset Mindfulness Workshop

Pause, breathe, and recharge + learn how to easily practice mindfulness and meditation in an interactive workshop.

By the end of this workshop, your team will

  • Learn the most common myths about mindfulness and meditation (hint: it's not about turning off your thoughts)

  • Experience a relaxing guided meditation and two micropractices to release stress and center yourself in under a minute

  • Find out how to easily make mindfulness something you actually do, and not just something you know helps

  • Connect and share reflections with your peers in small groups

  • Leave with simple tools that will boost your self-awareness, sharpen your focus, and enhance your overall well-being—both at work and in life

Speaking and Media

Dive into my podcast appearances, interviews, and topics I love communicating about