Speaking & Media

Engage your audience in meaningful conversations around navigating burnout and finding balance as a nonprofit professional

Megan Whitney

Megan helps changemakers navigate burnout through 1/1 coaching, speaking, and live events on Insight Timer. Her work offers you mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion tools to release stress and cultivate calm.

She has dedicated her 17-year career to serving in nonprofits. Since burning out a decade ago, her mission has been preventing the same exhaustion for other nonprofit workers.

In Megan’s day job, she has spent the past seven years fighting hunger as a fundraiser, consultant, mindfulness community founder, and certified Search Inside Yourself organizational teacher of emotional intelligence skills. 

She has first-hand experience integrating mindfulness into nonprofits and feels passionate about the power of this skill to build equitable, just, and inclusive systems where everyone belongs.

Featured On

A 400+ Person Mindfulness Community for 200 Feeding America Food Banks

We Are for Good Podcast

Navigating Burnout & Finding Balance as a Nonprofit Professional

LinkedIn Live with Tasha Van Vlack

Harnessing Mindfulness for Burnout Prevention in the Nonprofit Sector

Just Be Cause Podcast

Just Breathe: Mindfulness Can Beat Tech Stress at Work

Interviewed for WebMD Article

Mindfulness for Burnout

You Are A Philanthropist Podcast

Feeling Burned Out in the Nonprofit World?

LinkedIn Live with The Nonprofit Hive

Workshops for Teams

Help your colleagues relieve stress with a customized mindfulness workshop, presentation, or guided meditation

Looking to collaborate on a podcast, media event, or article?

I love communicating about:

  • Sustainable strategies for alleviating workplace stress

  • Practical ways to create a supportive, inclusive nonprofit culture that fosters focus, creativity, and collective well-being

  • Integrating short, restorative mindfulness practices into your team rituals and workday

  • Recognizing the early warning signs of burnout and understanding the unique reasons why nonprofiteers burn out trying to create systems of justice

  • Building healthy habits and designing a daily meditation practice to strengthen leadership skills and calm your nervous system

  • Centering relationships, embracing uncomfortable conversations, and communicating mindfully

  • Cultivating self-compassion, resilience, and emotional intelligence skills that support equity and belonging

Speaking Testimonials

  • "Megan truly has a gift for guiding mindfulness exercises in the workplace. She created a wonderful 4-min video that we played before all of our volunteer packing shifts. This was the first time we’ve ever started our volunteer shifts with a mindfulness/intention setting practice, and the feedback was nothing short of amazing!"

    Jennifer Powell, Chief Development Officer at Central Pennsylvania Food Bank

  • “I am grateful to have attended a workshop led by Megan about the intersection of mindfulness and DEI. The somatic tools and techniques we discussed (and practiced!) have been helpful to me personally and I think are critical to preventing burnout and sustaining our commitment to radically transform ourselves and our society. I look forward to bringing these practices to my team and organization.”

    Blair Janis

  • "I feel like Megan is like the queen of simplicity. It's like it doesn't have to be that complicated."

    Becky Endicott, We Are For Good Podcast Host, referring to the way I share mindfulness with folks

  • "Megan has a serene presence that made me feel comfortable, calm, and cared for. She is enthusiastic, compassionate, energetic, and her unrelenting kindness came through the screen so vividly."

    Search Inside Yourself Program Participant

  • "Megan is world class and great at reaching those of us doing the work in hunger relief. She is wonderful with making us feel special, heard, and safe."

    Search Inside Yourself Program Participant

  • "Megan came to the sessions with a tangible sense of calm and warmth. She really excelled at leading meditations that felt impactful. Her empathy came through in every interaction with attendees. She connected all of her examples and stories to something relatable and clear, and was vulnerable without oversharing."

    Search Inside Yourself Program Participant

  • "Megan knows what it's like to integrate mindfulness practices in the context of food banking work. I really admire her transparency, authenticity, and vulnerability as a teacher."

    Search Inside Yourself Program Participant