Nonprofit Burnout Prevention Kit

You are not alone, and it’s not you’re fault—burnout has systemic causes, like captitalism and grind culture, to name a few.

I created this free Nonprofit Burnout Prevention Kit because I know how it feels to burn out doing social justice work, and I’m committed to sharing proven techniques to prevent and heal burnout because healthy people create healthy systems.

While stressors are inevitable and there’s no quick fix solution to burnout, you can take charge of managing the stress itself, and it’s easier and less time-consuming than you might think.

  • Gain mindfulness tools that help you release stress and anxiety in the moment - even when you feel like you have no time or energy.

  • Learn fresh strategies for regulating emotions and cultivating inner calm, no matter how chaotic and exhausting the outside world is.

  • Dive right into experimenting with a 12 Days of Peace Meditation Plan, so you don’t have to figure it out on your own.

Hey fellow changemaker, if you’re worried you might be on the road to burnout (or deep in it) and you:

  • Are frustrated with regularly feeling overwhelmed, distracted, and exhausted.

  • Struggle with finding the time, energy, or motivation to take care of yourself.

  • Feel guilty when you prioritize caring for yourself instead of others.

  • Are being hard on yourself because you feel like you’re you’re just going through the motions at a job you used to love.

  • Feel too stressed and distracted to be present with family or enjoy the creative hobbies you used to get excited about.

  • Have tried so many things – like meditation apps, getting more sleep, doing yoga, and taking more PTO, and you are not sure how to feel better…

Meditate with me

I welcome you to release stress and relax with one of my guided meditations and join our Mindfulness Community for Changemaker events on the free app Insight Timer.